As the flood rises, Imogen is swept up on a fantastical wave of self-discovery, unlocking an entirely new perspective on the place she once called home...

This new production is a heart-warming story of memory, imagination and parenthood. Find your way back home with Temper Theatre's latest production, which combines their signature blend of fluid, muscular movement, soul-shaking soundscapes, and evocative imagery, accompanied by original music composed by Dave Price (National Theatre, RSC, Gecko).

It wasn’t until my family home was about to disappear from my life forever that I recognised the fundamental impact my home had on me.To me the Fens were a boring dead-end swamp.A trap to escape from at the first possible opportunity.But as I travelled home to help my parents move house, I was struck by a surprising series of emotions which led me to create HOME... As I travelled the boring flat Fenland became the extraordinary waterland it once was, my community morphed into an ancient tribe of storytellers, the rivers filled with eels and the epic East Anglian skies illuminated a wealth of history long forgotten.The journey took me through time and space and ultimately dropped me off filled to the brim with a new-found love for my homeland. HOME is inspired by what we relinquish when we move away from where we begin our lives and the unsteadying emotions which can resurface when we find our way back. As the sea levels rise and the Fens return to the water, my family story will be washed away.... Finn Morrell, Artistic Director

Cast & creatives

Created by Finn Morrell with original music from Dave Price

Director: Finn Morrell

Associate Director: Rich Rusk

Composer: Dave Price

Associate Choreographer: Chris Evans

Set Design: Piran Jeffcock, Erin Tse, Felix Villiers

Costume Design: Morgan Richards

Lighting Design / Production Manager: Alex Bevan

Devised and performed by:

Jack Bentinck, Kimihiko Katamura, Malin Kvist, Yuwei Jing, Zoe Villiers

Thank you to our Patrons Fay Dunn and Sonia Villiers. Special thanks to Anna Ekbäck, Anne-Christine Ekbäckm Dodie at Islington Arts Factory, Maria Hansson, Hills Road Sixth Form College, Richard Fredman, Harry Villiers, Tim Villiers, James Boyce and everyone who has supported the company since 2014.

Reviews & press

"Temper Theatres new production is storytelling in action" - The Scotsman
"Imaginative, wild, gentle and profound" - Gerard Butler

★★★★★ - Broadway Baby

★★★★★ - Theatre Weekly

★★★★ - Edinburgh Festival Magazine

** WINNER BEST PHYSICAL THEATRE SHOW ** - Theatre Weekly (Best of Fest 2023)



January 2024

17 | Jacksons Lane Arts Centre, North London (SOLD OUT)

18 | Jacksons Lane Arts Centre, North London (SOLD OUT)

23 | Elysium Hall, The Maltings, Ely (SOLD OUT)

25 | The Robinson Theatre, Cambridge (SOLD OUT)

May 2024

23 | Guangzhou, China BUY TICKETS

25 | Shenzhen, China BUY TICKETS

26 | Shenzhen, China BUY TICKETS

30 | Jiaxing, China BUY TICKETS

31 | Jiaxing, China BUY TICKETS

June 2024

02 | Suzhou, China BUY TICKETS

05 | Nanyang, China BUY TICKETS

06 | Nanyang, China BUY TICKETS

10 | Zhengzhou, China BUY TICKETS

13 | Chengdu, China BUY TICKETS

14 | Chengdu, China BUY TICKETS

July 2024

26 | Isle of Wight, Ventnor Fringe Festival BUY TICKETS

27 | Isle of Wight, Ventnor Fringe Festival BUY TICKETS

28 | Isle of Wight, Ventnor Fringe Festival BUY TICKETS

August 2024

5 | Edinburgh Festival (TBA)

6 | Edinburgh Festival (TBA)

7 | Edinburgh Festival (TBA)

8 | Edinburgh Festival (TBA)

9 | Edinburgh Festival (TBA)

November 2024

8 | Norwich Playhouse, Norwich BUY TICKETS

9 | Norwich Playhouse, Norwich BUY TICKETS



Jacksons Lane Arts Centre, London (preview) October 2022

Pleasance Courtyard (Forth), Edinburgh Festival Fringe, (premiere) August 2023

Jacksons Lane Arts Centre, London, January 2024

The Maltings, Ely, January TBA 

The Robinson Theatre, Cambridge, TBA

More tour dates TBA

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© 2014 Temper Theatre Ltd